Lumio Receives Grant from Optimism Collective

Pontem is proud to announce that Lumio received a grant from the Optimism Collective! We are extremely grateful for their support and excited to build with them.
This Builders Grant supports Intent 2 of Optimism’s Season 5 mission statement: Grow the Superchain. The Optimism Collective received 314 applications for 28 mission requests for Cycle 19 of grant requests.
Our grant of 50,000 OP will empower us to continue building Lumio, an ambitious L2 project that supports multiple blockchain virtual machines.
Pontem already has two instances of Lumio running: Lumio on Optimism (the canary mainnet & testnet) and Lumio on Solana (devnet; testnet coming soon.)
Read the Optimism Collective’s announcement here. Read our application here.
About Pontem
Pontem Network is a product studio building foundational dApps for Aptos and the Move ecosystem. Other Pontem products include:
- Pontem Wallet: the most popular Aptos wallet
- Liquidswap: the leading Aptos DEX
- Move Playground: a browser Move code editor
ByteBabel: the first implementation of EVM on Move