Pontem Network starts community building!

Good day everybody!
Did you know that the Web3 Foundation approved our grant application? For us, this is a great piece of news and a big step in the project. Would you like to be the first to know all the cool news?
As Helen Keller once said: “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”.
So today, we are happy to invite you to join our community and become a part of the future!
You are welcome to join our official channels on Telegram and Twitter where you can find all the latest news and updates. We will keep sharing the most interesting posts here on Medium as well. But when it comes to brief information, Telegram and Twitter work best.
👉Telegram chat: https://t.me/pontemnetworkchat
👉Twitter: https://twitter.com/PontemNetwork
Let’s build a great community together!
Further, if you are interested in being a part of Pontem Network, you can assist us by filling out this Form. It will help us understand the demand for and predict the future of the project. We are looking forward to your replies!
Pontem Network is a solution that will answer the demand of different markets and individuals by connecting the crypto world and the regulated one, Polkadot and Diem (by Facebook). Find out more about the project in our previous article.
Pontem Network is developing very fast, so make sure not to miss any of the updates! Next week, we will release an updated website, announce a roadmap, and present a design prototype of the Pontem Blocks technology.
Furthermore, this week we are going to share some cool news about Web3 Grant, so stay tuned and look forward to early announcements!