Pontem’s NFT mint: how to mint a Space Pirate on Nov 2
Pontem is partnering up with Topaz to bring you the first-ever Mint-to-Earn campaign on Aptos. Mint one of the 1,000 exclusive Space Pirates and get 1 APT! Here’s a short guide to who is eligible and how to participate.
What are we minting?
Pontemite Space Pirates are 1:1 PFPs – and they look extremely cool. Pontemites inhabit planet Pontem, where they run a commune – no, sorry, a Pommune. Most of them work as space pilots and flight attendants, engineers, space cowboys, traffic controllers, yield farmers, and so on.
Minting a Space Pirate is just the first step on this epic interdimensional journey. Much more is coming!
The no.1 rule: only Liquidswap users are eligible
The first rule: the mint is WL-only. It’s reserved to Pontemite OGs: all those who interacted with the Liquidswap DEX at any point between the genesis of the Aptos mainnet and October 30 5 PM PT (US Pacific Time). Interacting means everything: swapping tokens, depositing liquidity in pools, creating new pools etc.
Don’t forget to fill out the form
If you qualify, fill out the form: https://forms.gle/XGxTEuBG1ap9pQoR6
Please don’t ask us, ‘Am I qualified?’ We hope you remember if you’ve ever interacted with Liquidswap before October 30.
What’s Mint-to-Earn?
Free mints are great, right? Well, we level up the NFT game even further: now you’ll get paid for minting! Everyone who mints a Space Pirate will get 1 APT. That’s how much we value OG Pontemites.
Wen and where
Topaz launchpad, November 2, starting at 10:30 AM Pacific time.
How the lucky 1,000 will be selected
There are over 11,000 eligible wallet addresses and just 1,000 Pontemite Space Pirates. So it’s fewer than 1 Pirate per 10 people. We want to distribute the NFTs as fairly as possible, so here’s the system we came up with.
1) Pontem will randomly select 1,000 eligible addresses from the general list and announce them a few hours before the mint. The list will be posted on Twitter so keep an eye there.
2) Starting at 10:30AM PT on Nov 2, people from the list can start minting.
3) If after 1 hour some of the Pirates haven’t been claimed, we will randomly select another 1,000 addresses and announce them.
4) People from this second list can then mint. If 1 hour later there are any Pirates left, we’ll select another 1,000 addresses, and so on – until all 1,000 NFTs have been minted.
How will I get my 1 APT?
If you’re lucky and mint a Space Pirate, you’ll get the 1 APT reward automatically.
Hopefully the rules are clear, Pontemites. Fill the form and be ready! For any questions, Pontem is there for you on Twitter, Discord, and Telegram.