Pontem Network ライブストリームのまとめ:8月26日版

8月26に開催されたWeekly Livestreamのフル動画はこちら。
1. ウォレットにNFTの項目がありませんが、NFTの保管、送信、ミントは可能になりますか?
NFTは暗号分野の不可欠な要素であり、NFTを取り扱う他のプロジェクトとの統合を検討しています。この機能は、早い時期に登場すると思いますので、今後の展開とパートナーシップにご注目ください。Pontem Networkのビジョンは、ウォレットを世界とつながるインターフェースにすることですので、あらゆるアプリを導入していく予定です。
2. 競合のMartianやFewchaと比較して、どのような優位性がありますか?
3. Pontemは、盛んにAMAなどのオンラインイベントを開催していますが、オフラインイベントなどを開催する予定はありますか?
4. Pontem上での構築に取り組む開発者を対象にした、DAO的な助成金組織・制度は考えていますか?
まず、DAOとは何でしょうか?Decentralized Autonomous Organization(分散型自律組織)です。組織や特定の個人から独立して、独自に存在するものです。私は、全てがDAOであるべきだと思いますし、人々に力を分散して移譲すべきであると考えています。ブロックチェーンには所有権経済があり、人々は基本的にこの経済の部分的な所有者になるだけでなく、貢献者にもなれるという点が素晴らしいのです。トークンは実用性と議決権を提供し、潜在的にエスクローされ、長期的な貢献者がそうでない人よりも議決権を持つことができます。これがDAOの力であり、Pontemは間違いなくDAOを作ることを目指していますし、サブDAOやメガDAOを作る可能性もあります。
しかし、これは急いで実現すべきものではなく、DAOを機能させるには分散化のための一定の基準値とベンチマークを守らなければなりません。自律的に機能せず、特定の何かに依存してしまっているのなら、それはDAOとは言えません。正直な所、現状は名前だけのDAO、DINO-Decentralized In Name Only-ばかりが存在しているように見えます。理念や基盤が確立されていない限り、分散化、セキュリティ、スケーラビリティといった原則は、いつの間にか堕落してしまうものす。それは三つ巴で、トレードオフがあり、人々が選択できる3次元のベクトルグラフとして機能するものです。自分の価値観や主義に合致したDAOの一員となることを、自分という作品を基準にして選択するわけです。
Pontem Networkは、間違いなくDAOに向けて取り組んでいきます。DAOによる助成金プログラムという点では、いったんDAOが存在すれば、私たちがコントロールできることはありませんし、DAOが助成金プログラムが必要であると考えれば、助成金を出すことになるでしょう。
5. モバイルデバイスでウォレットを利用できるようになりますか?
6. ネットワークを作成・テストしている際の、実際に起きた面白いシチュエーションを教えてください。
7. 将来的に、Pontem Walletがオンラインショッピングや商品購入などの支払いに使えるようになったとき、Pontemはどこと協力したいですか?
ユーザーがそれを求め、統合が可能であるパートナーとは、必ず統合ていきます。特にモバイル機器では、Apple Wallet、Chrome、Google Walletに直接統合し、既存のカードを暗号に接続する機会があると考えています。名前を出すつもりはありませんが、注目しておいてください。
8. Aptosエコシステムは、現状では人気のあるNFTやマーケットプレイスとの協力関係が進んでいないことに気づきました。近い将来、そのような協力関係が生まれる予定はあるのでしょうか?
9. Aptosブロックチェーンを選んだ理由は何ですか?
Aptosの安全性もそれに匹敵するものではありますが、Aptosはまだライブではありません。ビットコインは、サトシ・ナカモトが構想して以来、存在し続けています。他の人たちはそれを模倣しようとし、イーサリアムはそれに近づいていきましたが。ヴィタリックはおそらく、Ethereum Classicがフォークした件について後悔しているのではないでしょうか。私の意見では、それは間違いなく検閲への抵抗と非中央集権の原則に反するものでした。
本来は、分散化、セキュリティ、スケーラビリティだけでなく、自分の主義主張を貫いているものを選びたいものです。今のところ、この3つを最適化したものは存在しないように思います。常にトレードオフの関係にある中で、この3つを最適化する最善の方法は、とにかく分散させることだと思います。 私は、他のものとトレードオフすることなく、セキュリティと分散化を最優先させたいと思っています。
さて、Aptosにもこの3つの原則を守ってくれることを期待しています。トレードオフがあることは間違いなく、その点も注視していくつもりです。私たちは、セキュリティと分散化のために最適化したいと考えています。長期的には、Moveエコシステムは成長し、Pontemもそれに合わせて成長していくでしょう。私たちの戦略は、Move VMをあらゆる場所に持っていくことです。
10. Aptosがブロックチェーンのトップ5に入った場合、どのようなセキュリティ対策を講じる用意があると考えますか?
Pontem 「Pommune(ポミュニ)」のビジョンを皆さんにお伝えしたいと思います。Pontemが目指すのは、このようなコミュニティであるという指針でもあります。
Pontem 「Pommune(ポミュニ)」
I want to share with you the vision for the Pontem “Pommune,” get ready for a lot of puns here. Essentially, this is what we want to turn our community into. We need to build a self-sustaining commune, a “Pommune”, full of Pontemites like yourself that love and care about each other, that support each other, and that care about the bigger picture. People who share a vision not founded on greed or money or any of these corruptible values. Our values should be grounded in each other. I think love should come first. Honestly we should all love each other and support each other in both the best of times and the worst of times, and we should be there for each other.
I think that if we can optimize for that, maybe add love to the trifecta of blockchain, maybe we can build something more powerful than these individual tokens, blockchains, and NFTs. I’ll share the vision with you. Again, this is a literary work of fiction so keep that in mind. Maybe you’ll start to see it come to life. It could maybe even be a Netflix show or potentially a movie.
The Pontem “Pommune”
It’s a build-to-earn (B2E) social experiment. The only way to earn these baseline Pontem points is to build the Pontem Pommune. The Pommune is on Planet Pontem and it’s populated by the Pontemites, which is all of you. The Pontemites are made up of a very diverse group of people. It’s everyone. Anyone can be a Pontemite, anyone can join the Pommune. We’re inclusive, we will love everybody. There’s values, there’s principles, and it should be self-sustaining enough where if people start to break those values and principles, they’ll just get self-rejected. If we need to excise some cancerous parts through surgical means, we will do it.
We just want to build the principles around this. The Pontemites will be made up of space flight attendants, pilots, engineers, space traffic controllers, mathematicians, PONT yield farmers, space line executives and other builders. These people/aliens/robots can choose, on a sliding scale, to get paid in either cash or space line PONT (Pontems airline points), which are redeemable for trips to the planet Pontem where there is a self-sustainable Pommune that is cohabitating away from the greedy Earthlings who are corrupting Satoshi’s vision with ponzi-nomics on airline miles.
It’s like the airline miles started to get hyped up and there’s a huge bubble in airline miles. There’s no one traveling in airplanes because everyone is going to space. Everyone’s going to the moon, or Mars. And people are thinking that because of that the airlines are going to do well, thus pumping up the price of airline miles and insiders are dumping on the outsiders.
This is definitely not in line with Satoshi’s vision, and shouldn’t be in line with anyone’s vision that is building in this space. So let’s take this out of Earth and take it somewhere else, the Pontem Pommune on planet Pontem, which isn’t even in this galaxy or in this space-time continuum. It’s in a totally different dimension.
As part of the vision, there are other characters here. There’s various space cowboys, who are living there and milking NFTs and tokens to then sell those at various exotic farmers markets to buy trips to the Pontem planet. They can buy these trips at the Ponet Earth station, and the price of these trips will be based on the supply, demand, and Pontenomics of trips to Pontem.
Pontenomics is the opposite of Ponzinomics. Hopefully you can see that it’s a sustainable token design for people to create a self-sustaining and long-term economy that we can all thrive in. This is necessary for DAOs to exist long-term into the infinite future.
Planet Pontem in the crypto galaxy, is reachable through layer sub-0, an interdimensional travel protocol that lies just below the various layer-1 simulations of reality that stem from these different shelling points of users in the Web3 metaverse that are adhering to the trifecta of principles and this three-dimensional vector graph that we’ve been discussing around decentralization, security, and scalability.
So what does this mean? It means that essentially, you as the user choose where you stand in this trifecta of principles. Do you prioritize security and decentralization over scalability, then you’re with us. You’re a bitcoin maximalist. But you need scalability, so you diversify into Aptos as well. Then you start to create different shelling points across access to this Pontem planet.
All are welcome. We prioritize security and decentralization because that’s what’s important to you. If you want to come here, there’s various tunnels, accessible through this layer sub-0, that interdimensionally teleport you to our planet where you can get in line to join the Pommune. Just because you get to the planet doesn’t make you a Pontemite, it doesn’t mean you get into the Pommune. You need to adhere to the base principles, like loving and supporting each other and being nice to each other. As long as you do this, you’ll be let into the Pommune.
It’s an inclusive, self-regulating walled garden where it spits out the things that hurt the ecosystem. It’s like a living, breathing organism — a DAO — that self-regulates for the negative principles and optimizes for the positive ones.
The builders on the planet Pontem choose to get paid in either cash or PONT, and these are redeemable for tickets to Pontem (the planet). Accessible only through underground tunnels that go through the fabric of space and time. They teleport the users into the reality that connects all these different simulations.
These simulations are all happening at a layer above base reality for us humans here on Earth. We experience real life and we have our doubts of what’s real or not. All of these layer-1s are just simulations of reality, so you have to be really careful about where you stand in the three-dimensional vector graph.
If something isn’t secure and decentralized, then the transactions can be rolled back. The money you thought was yours could go away at any point in time if it’s not truly censorship resistant, which is what decentralization and security guarantees you. We choose on the spectrum, the tradeoffs between them. All of these above-base layer of reality simulations are only accessible into this metaverse which we’re calling the Pontem planet.
Some of these space cowboys that want to pay their way to Pontem and get in line to access the coveted Pommune. They can buy PONT out in space or from the Pontem stations in various L1 dimensions using digital commodities such as bitcoin or with liquidity provider (LP) tokens. We take all types of tokens, and we thank you for them since there’s a value for them.
If space cowboys want to come in and purchase them, they can. In addition to being able to purchase these PONT, the space cowboys that want to help build the Pommune can also earn their way. They can earn by building, earning PONT for the fair price of their labor at an hourly rate that is mutually agreed upon by the Pommune and the cowboys.
This is a vision where you can essentially buy your way in, if that’s what you’d like to do. There should be no reason why if you’ve worked somewhere else that you can’t use that labor you leveraged to also join this. But you can also earn your way. We’re inclusive. We know that everyone has value, and we want to make sure that if you’re adding value to this thing that you’re getting rewarded for it.
Legal disclaimer: This is all fake, this is a work of literary fiction. Nothing other than a figment of our imagination. Requirements to buy these PONT from the Pontem stations are the same as any other regulatory-compliant token launchpad that adheres to the KYC/AML requirements and interdimensional commodities restrictions that exist in your local jurisdiction. Pontem is still subject to local jurisdictional in-real-life laws around financial primitives. They are also subject to a required one-year lock up and 24 to 26-month vesting or dynamic curve with voters entering a smart contract which boosts yield from farms in the Pommune. These enable utility and products on Pontem such as bartering, swaps, and spots on Ethereum, Aptos, stablecoins, and other different commodities that are mined by other in real life Web2 and Web3 builders through hard labor.
We also want to turn this into a script, potentially a movie or show like a cartoon. The big joke here, the premise of the story is that it’s a mockumentary, which is a fake real documentary in which the characters film a reality tv show about Netflix documentaries, and then they end up uncovering that it’s a real murder mystery. It becomes a true crime reality tv show, which is the best plot twist that blends everything that people love into one show. It’s hilarious, smart, and endearing. It’s real and raw, and I think people will love it.
The Pommune Netflix Documentary: A Cartoon Mockumentary
It’s a parody cartoon documentary of interdimensional annuals, beings and aliens. It’ll have a little bit of a Rick and Morty look and feel. These characters are doing a documentary on the crypto industry, which is being masqueraded as a drama of characters trying to conquer the known metaverse, whatever the metaverse means.
There’s various characters. There’s the Earthlings, who are idealists that are fighting for the vision for crypto on Earth. There’s several cult leaders on Earth. There’s Satoshi, who is an actual god. He takes different anonymous forms like magic dust or shadowy figures. There’s also Vitalik, who is Jesus, I’ll say no more. There’s also large people like SPF who potentially are Batman. They’re heroes that turn villains that turn heroes again. They are very complex characters that are trying to save Earth from itself.
Then there’s other planets, other characters. There’s a planet of the apes, who are the NFT enthusiasts and anyone who has been burned by NFTs as well. There will be benevolent emperors as well as bored apes, who are a civilization of highly evolved mutant chimps that are way smarter than humans. Then there’s the degents. They got stuck on this planet of apes because they were sold a ticket that was just a picture of a monkey and now they have to be subservient to the apes.
The apes try to integrate them into society but the degents are just being degenerates. Even though the apes really love them, maybe they have to do something that’s not great for the degents but it’s in their best interest. It’s a complex relationship between the bored apes and the degents. The degents, by the way, are mostly humans.
Then there’s planet Pontem, and the Pontemites are romantic idealists. There’s also cult leaders there, there’s Sadogei (Sa-doge-i), who goes through the hero’s journey. He is the Frodo Baggins of the story. He’s a benevolent dictator that didn’t get elected, never really even wanted to be in the spotlight, but was forced to be the leader by all the Pontemites due to his technical and social skills. So he’s kind of awkward most of the time.
He’s known for launching these reins of power, otherwise known as tokens, specifically in this story as the PONT spacelines. But once he sees how corrupted everything is, the character Sadogei decides to take all the tokens that he can and throw them into a fire pit and burn them forever.
This is essentially Satoshi trying to destroy his creation. Sadogei unleashed this vision into the world that became way more powerful than he counted on. It is a DAO because it’s definitely something he doesn’t control because it’s decentralized and autonomous. So he’s just trying to get as many of these tokens and burn them up to save the world from his own creation.
Then there’s Boris, he’s the man behind the curtain pulling all the strings.There’s Stas, he’s the sales guy that you love. Then there’s the Cat who is legal counsel.
There’s other planets, most notably the Martians. It’s a counsel of gods and they made it. They lowkey pull all the strings behind the scenes in the crypto universe. They’re like a type-3 civilization. They can mine suns and move planets, literally and figuratively. And part of these characters will be based on real-life characters.
There’s CZ, who is also a benevolent dictator similar to Sadogei. He just wanted to build a good product and it just took over the world and the galaxy somehow. Then there’s Justin Sun, he’s Aaron Burr, who has good intentions but shot his best friend. There’s also Elon, who definitely has to be in here. He’s just the king. Good or bad, love him or hate him, he’s there and he’s all-powerful.
Pontem Networkの記事をお読みいただきありがとうございます。今後もチェーンやプロジェクトの枠を超えて、暗号/ブロックチェーン分野全体の発展に向けた情報材料の共有に取り組んでいきます。
Pontem Network
Pontem Networkは、最も高い生産性と安全性を持ち、スケーラブルなブロックチェーンであるAptosの基盤となるdAppsと開発ツールを構築している製品スタジオです。私たちはAptosチームと共に、私たちは世界中の最初の10億人のブロックチェーンユーザーを参加させることのできるエコシステムを構築しています。Pontem Networkの製品は、Move言語とMove VMを使用しています。これらは、元々Metaが支援するブロックチェーンであるDiemのために開発された技術です。
Pontem Networkの将来的なトークンリリースに向けたホワイトリスト登録はこちらから!また、アンバサダーも募集中です。
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